Angela Wang's Journal

Apr 2007
5:17 PM EDT

I am so bored today because a trifle happened to me. I hope I will forget it in short time. Everyone should have many targets including short-term and long-term in different phrases of life. Forget those trifle that let you annoyed sometimes. You should look at future though those small matters bothering you at that time. Your dream is a light to lighten your further road
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Angela Wang's Profile

  • Username: Angela Wang
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: China
    ANGELA WANG's Interests:

    About Me: I am a Chinese girl studying in a college majoring environmental science for my master degree. I am married, and have a very good husband.

    Interests: Reading, traveling although I am poor and could not afford it.

    Favorite Music: folk songs

    Favorite Movies: Forest Gum

    Favorite Television: nature program

    Favorite Books: red dream